Fan site for the game Bravery Network Online. Provides an easy way for the community to create, post, update, and share user-submitted character builds and team guides. PHP and SQL.
React, headless CMS, Responsive design for the home cook
Clean, minimal videographer portfolio site
Online shop and portfolio site
PHP-based team sharing tool for the game Bravery Network Online. Parse team list and add to database, read from database and show in user-friendly format for easy copy/paste
Online damage calculator tool for the game Bravery Network Online. Mimics the in-game damage calc for players to use when building teams or during matches
Turn-based roguelike strategy game, built using Godot Engine and available on Steam!
Built in one weekend with Godot Engine for the GMTK Game Jam 2020
Built in one weekend with Godot Engine for the Ludum Dare Game Jam 2020
Built in one weekend with Godot Engine for the Ludum Dare Game Jam 2021